SEO Strategies That Will Help You in Customer Acquisition

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The whole idea of you getting into business was to get the largest market share and to see your business grow. Studies show that most business owners are more interested in customer acquisition than retention. Before you start your business, there are many factors, such as putting in place clear and precise goals, which you will have to put into perspective.

If you are looking up to SEO to help you grow your business, you will need to employ tools such as a white label rank tracker to identify what your customers or target audience needs. Why is the tool important? It is the only way that you will get to know how your business website is doing regarding the listing, how the audience finds your site and the type of content they most prefer indulging in to mention a few.

What is meant by SEO are the efforts made to affect the visibility of your web page in the unpaid results of a web search engine? SEO is about getting your links or keywords to attract relevant traffic to your content. With the help of a rank tracker, you will be able to identify which displays are more beneficial to your business. If you use the SEO efficiently, you are going to make great leaps in customer acquisition.

Practical ways of using SEO for customer acquisition

  1. Variety keyword

Do some keyword researched. Do not be talked into thinking that it will be a piece of cake. It might take you some significant effort to do this. Consider using specific keywords as opposed to your regular keywords: they will get you more sales. Also, make use of your rank tracking tool: it will help you identify the most searched keywords, the most trafficked domain among other information that will help you design keywords that make conversions!

  1. Restructure your content

It is time that you did some makeover to your content. How do you do it? First of all, you must have an idea of what determines client’s buying decisions. Also, it is essential to take note of the problems they are encountering and the causes. Use research to come up with excellent and catchy topics that will catch the reader’s interests. You can, for instance, use the John Kennedy (a renowned copywriter) strategy to do a complete refurbishing. Describe a problem, write about it using existing examples and offer a means by which the problem can be mitigated. There is nothing that draws customer’s attention than something that talks about the issues they are having.

  1. Customer experience

No one gets excited by a buffering page or dead links. According to a study done by Oracle, 74 percent of top executives consider customer experience a number one determinant of their loyalty to what you have to offer. That is why you need to take care of issues on your website that may be making your customers uncomfortable and their navigation strenuous.

For instance, when structuring keywords, consider putting them in bold or italics to increase visibility and create emphasis for a particular message that you may need to be disseminated. Give Metadata a thought. Why is it so important? Remember that Google will use it as a display on the search engine as the response to a query. That is why you need to make it as exciting and as brief as possible. A positive experience will always make the customer come back.

  1. Make use of social media

Social media is so far the best way to direct customers to get to your content. You have probably come across that travel agency that tempts you so much to take a weekend off on Instagram or Facebook. You most certainly ended up finding yourself on the company’s website and leaving your Instagram platform.

Well, this is precisely why you need social media for customer acquisition. There are some ways that you could use it to achieve the level of traffic you want for your website.

You can start by posting a photo and a link at the same time informing them what you have to offer. You can also invest in sponsored messages which will mostly focus on people you have had an interaction with and increase the number of followers you have on your social media page for you to have more audience.


Hi, I'm Raj Hirvate & I am a Tech Blogger from India. I like to post about technology, gadgets, How-to, Errors and product reviews to the readers of my website. Apart from blogging i'm a big Anime fan I Love Watching Naruto, Jujutsu Kaisen, One piece, Death Note and any upcoming animes.